Day 8

“Never Being Lonely”

Psalm 107:1-1,7 (NLT) Lord, hear my prayer! Listen to my plea! 2Don’t turn away from me in my time of distress. Bend down to listen, and answer me quickly when I call to you. …7I lie awake, lonely as a solitary bird on the roof.

The Lord speaks through the Psalmist reaching to our core. Most of us have had feelings of being isolated from God in times of distress. We long for God to hear and to rescue us from our current calamity. And like the longing of the Psalmist, we can sometimes feel like a lonely bird, avoiding traps, predators, and constantly searching for a safe place.

Social distancing is redefining our ability or our inability to connect with people. Sure, phones and social media will continue to provide a form of personal connection, but most people miss face-to-face interaction. We feel like a lonely bird.

Loneliness causes many people to feel empty, unwanted, or forgotten. In our nation’s state of fear, it is easy for a person to be ‘overlooked’ by family or friends. Loneliness, according to many experts, is not necessarily about being alone. We may feel lonely in a crowd. The devastating emotion is the feeling of being alone.

John 14:15-17 (CSB) [Jesus said] “If you love me, you will keep
my commands. 16And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever. 17He is the Spirit of truth. The world [non-Christians] is unable to receive Him because it doesn’t see Him or know Him. But you do know Him, because He remains with you and will be in you.

When you have Jesus as your Savior and Lord, you are never alone, never! You have the Holy Spirit living in you! God promised that as His child you are never alone.

For it is the Lord your God who goes with you; He will not leave you or forsake you.”         Deuteronomy 31:6b (HCSB)

Never alone!

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