Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Reaching into the lives of the pre-Christian in tangible ways should be at the heart of every church. That desire to serve God to their fullest and honor Him in through sharing the gospel is the great commission. A body of believers that supports this effort is a body of believers you want to be a part of. At First Baptist, we support the Southern Baptist Cooperative Program which includes over 5,000 missionaries serving around the world, the North American Mission Board, and our state convention that supports many mission points in Florida. We also support over 20 local, state, national, and international missions. The mission projects work as our hands and feet. We call all of these ministries “Faith Missions”, because we step out in faith and trust God to provide the monthly support needed. It is also our deepest desire for you to get involved with the efforts by volunteering when and where you can.
Pregnancy Solutions exists to help women who are possibly in the most vulnerable situation of their lives. You can support or volunteer with Pregnancy Solutions by visiting their website. CLICK HERE
Agape Flights exists to “Provide excellent aviation service delivering cargo, mail, humanitarian aid to missionary partners serving Christ, carrying hope to the nations of the Caribbean. Learn more about Agape Flights. CLICK HERE
Click here for YouTube video
Jennifer Speer is an author, speaker, vocalist and teacher. Her ministry is “encouraging and equipping through God’s Word.” This mission takes her to many countries to minister. Jennifer is also a well sought out speaker in the United States. Please visit Word of Joy to see how you can support Jennifer in her ministry. CLICK HERE
The Florida Baptist Children’s Homes helped over 200,000 children annually and served over 5,000,000 meals. This is only a small peak into the impact they have on Florida. The ministry exists “to change the lives of children and families through Christ-centered services.” Please visit them to see how you can get involved. CLICK HERE
Family Promise helps families with minor children who have lost their housing. We assist 3 families at a time for 90 days. Families cannot be actively using drugs/alcohol, have severe mental health issues, or have felony records. We provide shelter, meals, basic needs, case management, referrals and resources. Adults meet with an Employment Consultant and a Financial Counselor . We also provide them with a support system; volunteers who are there for them each day. In 2010, the homeless family population increased by 9%, and currently homeless families are 41% of the entire homeless population. In Sarasota County, there are over 1200 homeless students enrolled in our school system this year. Learn more about Family Promise. CLICK HERE
Venice Christian School is fully accredited and recognized as one of the most outstanding private schools in the area, according to the Florida Council of Private Schools. More than 250 students from Sarasota to Port Charlotte attend VCS, from preschool to 12th grade. We have remained an independent, not-for-profit school, with students representing more than 35 area churches. If you would like to volunteer or support Venice Christian School simply visit their website and contact the administration. CLICK HERE
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is touching millions of lives…one heart at a time. Since 1954, FCA has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful platform of sport to reach every coach and every athlete with the transforming power of Jesus Christ. FCA focuses on serving local communities around the globe by engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the world through the gospel. You can support our local Fellowship of Christian Athletes! To support and/or volunteer, CLICK HERE
In just one year Proclaim Aviation executed 33,047 flights, logged 2.7 million miles transported 98,610 passengers and delivered 8 million pounds of cargo all on 1,700 remote airstrips or waterways saved 60,403 days of travel time-or 250 work years-over just 12 months. Please consider supporting Joel and Missy Davis through Proclaim Aviation Ministries. CLICK HERE
The Straight Way of Grace Ministry, led by Usama Dakdok, travels throughout the United States and Canada equipping Christians to be effective witnesses of Jesus Christ to their Muslim neighbors, as well as ministering to Muslims directly. Usama speaks the truth and has been front and center speaking the truth in love. It is Usama’s deep desire that every American learn the truth about Islam and how it is destroying the entire Muslim world and quickly infiltrating the West. Please purchase one of Usama’s books or schedule a speaking engagement here! CLICK HERE
Jordan Prison Ministry is dedicated to help mentor those that are incarcerated; men, women and children as they will be released into our communities. This year 600 thousand will return to our communities. 2 of 3 will be rearrested. 2.7 million children with a parent in prison. Without our partnering together these numbers will only continue to grow. There are numerous ways you we can work together. Visit the Jordan Prison Ministry website to get involved. CLICK HERE
Joseph & Daisy Pardo serve as missionaries through Love the Nations. Joseph and Daisy came to know Christ as their personal Savior in February 2000. They met in November 2001, and after marrying, began a journey together on Mission for Christ. Joseph received his education through the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago where God opened their eyes to the need to defend the unborn through crisis pregnancy center ministry. Since then God has cultivated two passions in the hearts of this couple. 1) A love for internationals 2) a love for the unborn. Pray as they seek to bring Christ and to the darkness of Puerto Rico through a pregnancy care center.
Click here for more information: www.lovethenations.com
All Will Know Him exists to facilitate a church start among our target people group in Southeast Asia. We want these indigenous churches to be healthy churches meeting in homes as often as they see fit. They are to be led by Bible-centered believers. Once the churches begin to propagate, we provide the discipleship support adequate to ensure growth fueled by sound biblical doctrine. You can speak directly to our missionary, Mary Smith, on their website. CLICK HERE
Don and Karen Davis Our vision is to advance the Great Commission by serving missionaries and humanitarian workers on the front-lines. Our core values are that each person, regardless of race, culture, nation, belief, or lifestyle is valuable to God and in need of Jesus Christ. According to Matthew 16:26, the value of a human soul is immeasurable — “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his soul? Or, what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Every human being (regardless of how “good” they are or how miserable their current state) should be treated with respect and given the opportunity to know God’s great love through Christ. First Baptist supports Don and Karen Davis.
By providing emotional, physical and spiritual support, SOLVE Maternity Homes has assisted women of all ages choose life and become responsible and productive community members. SOLVE gives women a place to stop, pause and redirect their life. There are many ways you can support SOLVE. If you are looking to donate time or resources please contact them today. CLICK HERE
The purpose of Trans World Radio is to assist the Church to fulfill the command of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all peoples, and to do so by using and making available mass media to:
Moore House Ministries in Murphy, NC helps to meet the needs of the community by providing clothing, food, and spiritual needs of lower income families and singles. To make a donation of clothing please contact Diane in the FBC church office. CLICK HERE
ABWE International Our vision is to fulfill the Great Commission by multiplying leaders, churches, and missions movements among every people. We strive to share His story of hope, build communities of faith, and serve the world with love. We want to spark global missions movements that extend beyond ourselves — where local leaders are trained, mission-minded churches are planted, and believers are compelled to carry the message of Jesus to every nation. We want to disciple new believers and empower the local Church to pick up the torch of missions and carry the gospel into new places — until it has reached every nation — and our vision of multiplying leaders, churches and missions movements among every people, is fulfilled. Our support of Dr. Richard Peace assists him in reaching people with the gospel. Please learn more here. CLICK HERE
Agape Flights exists to “Provide excellent aviation service delivering cargo, mail, humanitarian aid to missionary partners serving Christ, carrying hope to the nations of the Caribbean. Learn more about Agape Flights. CLICK HERE
Click here for YouTube video
Jennifer Speer is an author, speaker, vocalist and teacher. Her ministry is “encouraging and equipping through God’s Word.” This mission takes her to many countries to minister. Jennifer is also a well sought out speaker in the United States. Please visit Word of Joy to see how you can support Jennifer in her ministry. CLICK HERE
The Florida Baptist Children’s Homes helped over 200,000 children annually and served over 5,000,000 meals. This is only a small peak into the impact they have on Florida. The ministry exists “to change the lives of children and families through Christ-centered services.” Please visit them to see how you can get involved. CLICK HERE
Family Promise helps families with minor children who have lost their housing. We assist 3 families at a time for 90 days. Families cannot be actively using drugs/alcohol, have severe mental health issues, or have felony records. We provide shelter, meals, basic needs, case management, referrals and resources. Adults meet with an Employment Consultant and a Financial Counselor . We also provide them with a support system; volunteers who are there for them each day. In 2010, the homeless family population increased by 9%, and currently homeless families are 41% of the entire homeless population. In Sarasota County, there are over 1200 homeless students enrolled in our school system this year. Learn more about Family Promise. CLICK HERE
Venice Christian School is fully accredited and recognized as one of the most outstanding private schools in the area, according to the Florida Council of Private Schools. More than 250 students from Sarasota to Port Charlotte attend VCS, from preschool to 12th grade. We have remained an independent, not-for-profit school, with students representing more than 35 area churches. If you would like to volunteer or support Venice Christian School simply visit their website and contact the administration. CLICK HERE
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is touching millions of lives…one heart at a time. Since 1954, FCA has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful platform of sport to reach every coach and every athlete with the transforming power of Jesus Christ. FCA focuses on serving local communities around the globe by engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the world through the gospel. You can support our local Fellowship of Christian Athletes! To support and/or volunteer, CLICK HERE
In just one year Proclaim Aviation executed 33,047 flights, logged 2.7 million miles transported 98,610 passengers and delivered 8 million pounds of cargo all on 1,700 remote airstrips or waterways saved 60,403 days of travel time-or 250 work years-over just 12 months. Please consider supporting Joel and Missy Davis through Proclaim Aviation Ministries. CLICK HERE
The Straight Way of Grace Ministry, led by Usama Dakdok, travels throughout the United States and Canada equipping Christians to be effective witnesses of Jesus Christ to their Muslim neighbors, as well as ministering to Muslims directly. Usama speaks the truth and has been front and center speaking the truth in love. It is Usama’s deep desire that every American learn the truth about Islam and how it is destroying the entire Muslim world and quickly infiltrating the West. Please purchase one of Usama’s books or schedule a speaking engagement here! CLICK HERE
Jordan Prison Ministry is dedicated to help mentor those that are incarcerated; men, women and children as they will be released into our communities. This year 600 thousand will return to our communities. 2 of 3 will be rearrested. 2.7 million children with a parent in prison. Without our partnering together these numbers will only continue to grow. There are numerous ways you we can work together. Visit the Jordan Prison Ministry website to get involved. CLICK HERE
Joseph & Daisy Pardo serve as missionaries through Love the Nations. Joseph and Daisy came to know Christ as their personal Savior in February 2000. They met in November 2001, and after marrying, began a journey together on Mission for Christ. Joseph received his education through the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago where God opened their eyes to the need to defend the unborn through crisis pregnancy center ministry. Since then God has cultivated two passions in the hearts of this couple. 1) A love for internationals 2) a love for the unborn. Pray as they seek to bring Christ and to the darkness of Puerto Rico through a pregnancy care center.
Click here for more information: www.lovethenations.com
All Will Know Him exists to facilitate a church start among our target people group in Southeast Asia. We want these indigenous churches to be healthy churches meeting in homes as often as they see fit. They are to be led by Bible-centered believers. Once the churches begin to propagate, we provide the discipleship support adequate to ensure growth fueled by sound biblical doctrine. You can speak directly to our missionary, Mary Smith, on their website. CLICK HERE
Don and Karen Davis Our vision is to advance the Great Commission by serving missionaries and humanitarian workers on the front-lines. Our core values are that each person, regardless of race, culture, nation, belief, or lifestyle is valuable to God and in need of Jesus Christ. According to Matthew 16:26, the value of a human soul is immeasurable — “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his soul? Or, what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Every human being (regardless of how “good” they are or how miserable their current state) should be treated with respect and given the opportunity to know God’s great love through Christ. First Baptist supports Don and Karen Davis.
By providing emotional, physical and spiritual support, SOLVE Maternity Homes has assisted women of all ages choose life and become responsible and productive community members. SOLVE gives women a place to stop, pause and redirect their life. There are many ways you can support SOLVE. If you are looking to donate time or resources please contact them today. CLICK HERE
The purpose of Trans World Radio is to assist the Church to fulfill the command of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all peoples, and to do so by using and making available mass media to:
- Proclaim the gospel of salvation to as many people as possible.
- Instruct believers in biblical doctrine and daily Christ-like living.
- Model our message through our corporate and cooperative relationships.
Moore House Ministries in Murphy, NC helps to meet the needs of the community by providing clothing, food, and spiritual needs of lower income families and singles. To make a donation of clothing please contact Diane in the FBC church office. CLICK HERE
ABWE International Our vision is to fulfill the Great Commission by multiplying leaders, churches, and missions movements among every people. We strive to share His story of hope, build communities of faith, and serve the world with love. We want to spark global missions movements that extend beyond ourselves — where local leaders are trained, mission-minded churches are planted, and believers are compelled to carry the message of Jesus to every nation. We want to disciple new believers and empower the local Church to pick up the torch of missions and carry the gospel into new places — until it has reached every nation — and our vision of multiplying leaders, churches and missions movements among every people, is fulfilled. Our support of Dr. Richard Peace assists him in reaching people with the gospel. Please learn more here. CLICK HERE

Active Missionaries
Beth and Joey Domingues
Noah and Alexa Okembe